Hello Wellington, Join us for Alpha.

Go beyond wondering, and get on with learning the basics of the Christian faith.

Also, do it over food and in a friendly environment.

Attend Alpha At Equippers This May

A space for honest and open conversations about life’s biggest questions. Everyone is welcome and no questions are off limits. 

Alpha Starts 1 May 2024

The full Alpha experience is about to launch at Equippers Church, 4 Glover Street Ngauranga. Register and let us know you’re coming, and feel free to bring someone with you. Alpha is free to attend and open to everyone.

  • This Alpha group is an all ages group and is ideal for people exploring faith or looking to grow in their understanding of the fundamentals of the Christian faith. Light supper and hot drinks provided.

    Starts: 1 May - Wednesday Nights from 7pm

  • Week 1: Who is Jesus?

    Week 2: Why did Jesus Die?

    Week 3: How can I be sure of my Faith?

    Week 4: How and why do I Pray?

    Week 5: How and why should I Read the Bible?

    Week 6: How does God Guide us?

    Week 7: How can I Resist Evil?

    Week 8: How and why should we tell Others?

    Week 9: Does God Heal Today?

    Week 10: What about the Church?

Let us know you’re coming